For a free personality test, that also includes a "Best Fit" exercise, we recommend CareerPlanner.com's personality test: http://www.careerplanner.com/MB/PersonalityTypeCentral.cfm This assessment will help you discover your 4 letter type code.
You can also purchase the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)® personality assessment from CareerPlanner.com at: http://www.CareerPlanner.com/Assessments/Myers-Briggs-MBTI.cfm
Finally, if you are looking for an assessment that matches careers with the work you will find interesting, CareerPlanner offers both the Strong Interest Inventory®, and the Career Interest Test (CiT).
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Myers-Briggs, MBTI, Step I, Step II, and the MBTI logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc.,
Strong Interest Inventory, is a registered trademarks of CPP, Inc.